When making stuffed pasta, the pasta dough should be rolled thinner than when making other pasta because the stuffed pasta requires two layers. Using thinner layers will prevent the edges of the stuffed pasta from becoming too thick. The pasta dough for stuffed pastas should not be allowed to dry before beginning the preparation process. It is best to have the pasta moist so that the layers will stick together better when sealed.
- Fillings can be as simple as one or two ingredients to several ingredients used in special recipes. Ingredients, such as meats, fish, cheese, vegetables, and herbs, are used in preparing fillings for stuffed pastas. It is common for eggs to be used in fillings to bind ingredients together.
- The filling used should be as free of moisture as possible to prevent the pasta from becoming soggy. Remove as much moisture as possible from all ingredients before mixing together.
- If using a moist filling, do not let the pasta set too long before cooking because the moisture from the filling may cause the pasta to stick to the surface where it has been placed.
- Be sure the filling is completely prepared before starting to work with the pasta so the pasta does not dry out while you are preparing the filling.
- When adding filling to pasta, do not over fill because too much filling will not allow enough room for the edges to seal properly.