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The Subject is Tomatoes

Posted: 09/01/2010 09:48:28 AM
Tags:  drying tomatoes, freezing tomatoes, canning tomatoes, how to peel a tomato, how to make tomato sauce, tomato recipes, how to can tomatoes, how to freeze tomatoes, tomatoes


Some of us here in the Midwest have a common problem this time of year: We've got tomatoes coming out of our ears! It seems as though everyone with at least one square foot of open land or a flower pot on the back step has a tomato plant. Although this bounty is a good thing, it also creates a problem for some of us who are unskilled in the kitchen or who simply don't have the time to preserve our extra tomatoes through canning or freezing or whatever. And so, what can we do? Well, after making numerous salads, sandwiches, salsas, side dishes, and pasta sauces using fresh tomatoes, it seems that some of us are left with only one course of action: give the rest away (probably to people who already have a ton of fresh tomatoes from their own gardens). But for those of us who have the time, preserving our extra tomatoes for use during the long, cold winter is a rewarding and cost-effective task. Okay, so winter isn't long and cold everywhere, but it sure is here in RecipeTipsland. And who can blame us for our thriftiness, since tomatoes are so expensive in the supermarket during the winter. I mean, buying a pound of prime beef would often be cheaper than buying one lousy tomato in Minnesota in the middle of January when the cost of shipping it from Florida or Costa Rica or Timbuktu is added to the price.

So, here's what I think is the best answer: First, set aside some valuable time and check out RecipeTips.com for the most thorough and accurate information about tomatoes that you are likely to find anywhere (how's that for a bit of shameless promotion); and second, set aside another block of time to actually do the canning or freezing or drying. Believe me, it's time well spent, especially when you don't have to run to the supermarket and spend a fortune to buy tomatoes on a dark, frigid winter day. And if you eat lots of tomatoes and all kinds of good things containing tomatoes, think of all that money you'll be saving by using your own succulent home-grown tomatoes instead of those sickly store-bought ones.

So, what do you want?

  1. Do you want to know how to freeze your tomatoes? Well, check out our article, "How to Freeze Tomatoes."
  2. Do you want to know how to dry tomatoes? See the article, "How to Dehydrate Tomatoes."
  3. Do you want to know how to can tomatoes? Read the "how to" article, "Canning Tomatoes."
  4. Do you want to know how to peel the tomatoes before freezing, drying, or canning? Well, then you'll want to read the article "All About Tomatoes: Tomato Preparation" or watch the video, "How to Peel a Tomato."
  5. Do you want some great tomato recipe ideas? You'll find delicious recipes in our "Tomato Recipes" collection.
  6. Do you want all of the above? (Knowledge is power.)
  7. None of the above? You'd rather move to Florida and buy your reasonably priced winter tomatoes at a roadside stand.
I'm choosing F. Of course, if you were to ask me in January rather than on a sweltering day in August, I'm sure my answer would be G.

Gama said...
G would be my first choice but since I don't think that is going to happen I am going with F also. I have too many tomatoes to eat and give away so all the tomato information you have available is great. I especially liked the freezing tomatoes information. It seems the easiest way to deal with them. I might try it this weekend. You also have some interesting salsa recipes that I might try to make. I will keep my hopes up for moving to Florida, but just in case I think I better try to do something with all these tomatoes!
Posted on: 09/09/2010 09:31:07 AM

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The Subject is Tomatoes

G would be my first choice but since I don't think that is going to happen I am going with F also. I have too many tomatoes to eat and give away so all the tomato information you have available is great.
by Gama on 09/09/2010 09:31:07 AM
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