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Gama User
Member Since: 10/26/2007
Last Updated: 10/26/2007
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Gama's Recent Forum Posts

Re:brining butterball
Posted: 12/03/2010 10:50:39 AM
I know this is too late for Thanksgiving and you have probably already fixed your turkey but when I saw your question it rang a bell because I was just looking last week for information on brining. I remembered reading to be sure to check whether or not the turkey has been pre-brined. I guess if it is you don't want to brine it some more or the meat may become to soggy. You can read about brining if you go to the Tips & Advice - Meat - Turkey - Turkey Preparation. There is an article about brining turkey. Maybe it would be best to use a rub to add flavor to a pre-brined turkey. Hope this helps you for in the future.
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Re:pan drippings-chicken
Posted: 08/03/2010 3:46:07 PM
RagMopp, My mom use to do the same thing! That gravy is the best!
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Re:pan drippings-chicken
Posted: 08/03/2010 3:43:30 PM
Lee12, Yes, you can use that thick gel from the pan drippings to make gravy or use it in soups for extra flavor. Also, I will sometimes cook my chicken or turkey up a day ahead and then when I am reheating it the next day in the oven or crock pot I will add some of that thick gel for moisture. It will melt down and be like a broth when you reheat it. It helps keep the meat moist and maintains its flavor.
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Re:Fresh Strawberry ideas
Posted: 03/13/2010 08:51:54 AM
This site has a lot of information on strawberries. Try going to this address for All About Strawberries - http://www.recipetips.com/kitchen-tips/t--1088/all-about-strawberries.asp or try a search on strawberry on this site and you will find some great recipes. Enjoy!
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Re:Baking Without Eggs
Posted: 09/04/2008 08:08:06 AM
I don't have any eggless cake recipes but after seeing your request I thought I would search the internet to see if I could find any recipes there. I did find a couple of sites that addressed the issue and had a couple of recipes. The addresses are http://www.ochef.com/218.htm and http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080417054653AAiXj5v. I hope maybe a couple of these recipes will work for you. Good Luck!
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Re:Victoria's - Rochester, MN
Posted: 05/23/2008 08:19:18 AM
I have only eaten there once but I agree, it was great! Will definitely go again!
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Re:Kitchen Knives
Posted: 05/22/2008 10:22:28 AM
I have some of the Pampered Chef knives also and really like them. Even the little paring knives work great.
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Re:Fresh Strawberry ideas
Posted: 05/22/2008 10:09:36 AM
I like to just make a quick sauce from them. Cut the strawberries into quarters and slightly mash them. Sprinkle them with sugar and let them sit at room temperature for about an hour. After the strawberries sit, stir and mash them until they are the way you like them. You can mash them a lot or you can leave them in larger chunks. Serve it over vanilla ice cream or angel food cake and top it with cool whip.
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Re:Baking Potatoes while Roasting Ham
Posted: 05/09/2008 09:12:49 AM
If you are going to be roasting the ham at a temperature that is lower than what you normally bake your potatoes at, you will have to bake the potatoes a little longer than normal. I normally bake potatoes at 350°F and I would roast a ham at 325°F. So if I was going to bake the potatoes with the ham, I would allow 15 to 30 additional minutes of baking time for the potatoes. If the ham is small, 15 additional minutes will probably be enough but if it is a larger ham, it may take 30 additional minutes. If you are roasting the ham at the same temperature that you normally bake the potatoes you should also allow a little additional time because of the volume of food baking in the oven at one time.
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Re:Substitutions for Half & Half?
Posted: 02/14/2008 09:16:00 AM
If you go to the charts on this site, they have one for food substitutions and it has several substitution suggestions for Half & Half. The link to the charts can be found under the "Tips & Advice" tab at the top of the page or the address is http://www.recipetips.com/kitchen-tips/t--200/food-substitutions.asp . You will find the Half & Half under the Cheese and Dairy Products.
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