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slow cooker - Glossary Search

Top 148 glossary terms found
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Term Name
carrot soup Glossary Term
Most often this variety of soup is made as a creamy soup with a milk or soy base. Carrots are roasted or cooked slowly and pureed into a creamy texture.
cooking band or tie Glossary Term
Elastic in texture, this cooking tool is designed for use in ovens, refrigerators, and freezers to keep various foods from drooping or falling apart while cooking.
carryover cooking or resting Glossary Term
The process of letting meat rest after cooking. Since meat continues to cook when removed from any heat source such as an oven, it has become referred to as Carryover Cooking or giving food a rest, a time during which the temperature of the meat increases 5 to 15ºF.
rillons Glossary Term
A French food consisting of small to medium sized cubes of high quality pork (typically from a pork belly) that have been slowly cooked in a covered pot to become candied.
stew Glossary Term
A mixture of meat, poultry, or fish chunks, vegetables, herbs, spices, and liquid, such as water or stock, which are cooked together slowly at a low temperature in a covered pot.
cooking in paper Glossary Term
Sometimes referred to as cooking en papillote, a French term meaning in paper, this technique involves the placing of food into a parchment cooking paper or a foil packet, sealing it, and then cooking the contents.
gjetost cheese Glossary Term
A cheese of Norwegian origin made from a combination of goat and cow's milk or only cow's milk, which is slowly cooked until the sugars in the milk are caramelized.
lemon curd Glossary Term
A mixture made with sugar, water, egg yolks, butter, cream from milk, lemon flavored concentrate, natural lemon flavors, and pectin that is thickened by slowly cooking the ingredients in a double boiler.
carry-over cooking Glossary Term
The process that occurs as food continues to cook despite being removed from the oven, the stovetop, the grill, or a roasting fire.
egg coddler or coddling dish Glossary Term
A cooking utensil that is made to hold an egg so it can be soft cooked, preparing by using a method that is referred to as "coddling" eggs.
remote cooking thermometer Glossary Term
A kitchen utensil made to measure temperatures within an item being cooked while a separate receiver can travel away from the cooking area but still display temperatures as they increase.
cooking fork Glossary Term
A type of fork that is used for a many different cooking tasks when working with variety of different foods that are boiled, baked, cooked, stir-fried, or grilled.
brunoise Glossary Term
A mixture of diced, cubed or shredded vegetables that are used as ingredients to flavor soups and sauces.
cooking spoon Glossary Term
A kitchen utensil that is used for several purposes, such as stirring, serving and transferring food.
cubed steak Glossary Term
The process of preparing meat from by cutting the meat into cubes. Typically, a Cubed Steak is used to describe a cut of beef that is usually only suitable for stewing and slow cooking and may require tenderizing before it can be used so it is cut into bit-sized cubes.
cassoulet Glossary Term
A hearty meat stew originating in southern France, that consists of a confit (most often duck, goose, or pork) that is combined with white beans, vegetables, and potatoes, placed in a pot, and slowly cooked to blend all of the flavorful ingredients.
irish stew Glossary Term
A type of stew originating in Ireland that is made with lamb or mutton, potatoes, onions, and seasonings.
high altitude cooking Glossary Term
When cooking at altitudes above 3000 feet, adjustments in the quantities of some ingredients used in a recipe may be necessary.
rice cooker Glossary Term
An electric kitchen appliance used to cook rice. It prepares the rice automatically, knowing when the rice reaches the proper temperature, it will switch from a cooking mode to a warming mode.
pressure cook Glossary Term
A controlled method of cooking foods by heating the air within a lidded pot to a very high temperature (above the boiling point), allowing air pressure and steam to build inside and cook foods faster at higher temperatures.
Top 148 glossary terms found
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