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Focaccia Bread
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An Italian yeast bread, considered to be a flat bread that is flavored with various ingredients, which may include herbs, olive oil, tomatoes, eggplant, roasted peppers, olives, and cheese. Traditional focaccia bread is very flat, however, the thickness of the loaf now depends on the use and the desires of the market, with many loaves having a thicker depth allowing for ingredients to be stuffed into the core of the bread. There are a wide variety of toppings and ingredients that all serve to create a different appearance for each loaf that is prepared. Any of the extra ingredients that are used must cook for the same length of time that is required to bake the bread, so some vegetables may need to be partially cooked before they are added to the bread. Focaccia is usually served with soup or salad, however, if there are many ingredients added to the bread, the focaccia could become the entire meal.
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