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Chrysanthemum Greens
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Edible leaves of the garland chrysanthemum plant that may also be referred to as the edible chrysanthemum or the cooking chrysanthemum. Similar in appearance to the ornamental variety chrysanthemum, both the greens (leaves) and stems of the garland chrysanthemum are harvested for use either fresh or to be cooked for salads, soups, stews, and stir-fried dishes. Two varieties of this plant are commonly added to Asian dishes: the small leafed chrysanthemum and the broad leaved chrysanthemum. While other varieties exist such as the Maiko and the Tiger Ear, the small or serrated leaf and round or broad leaf are the most common. As a popular green in Asian food dishes, garland chrysanthemum has a distinctive bite to the flavor, providing a tangy taste that increases with the age of the leaf. If the plants begin to flower, the stems and leaves will become bitter tasting and have aged past their prime use.

The garland chrysanthemum can be prepared by serving it fresh or by steaming, blanching, or sautéing the greens and stems. Overcooking however, will produce a bitter tasting flavor, so maintain a lower heat and cook until tender and lightly tangy in taste. The greens or this plant may also be referred to as: chrysanthemum greens, edible chrysanthemum, cooking chrysanthemum greens, Japanese greens, chop suey greens, choy suy greens, crown daisy chrysanthemum, round leaf or small leaf chrysanthemum, shingiku, shunigku, shungiku, shigiku, kikuna, tong hao, hao zi gan, tong ho, tung ho, tong ho choi, or tan.

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