
Red, White & Blue Fruit Bowl Recipe

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An easy to put together fruit bowl that will add lots of color to your table for your 4th of July celebration. It is a simple fruit dish that the kids will love.
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  • Dannon Light & Fit Greek Yogurt - Strawberry
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
Container:Clear glass bowl
15 mins
  • Spread the Greek yogurt on the bottom of a clear glass bowl. Add enough yogurt to create approximately a 3/4 inch thick layer. Spread out evenly.
  • Add a thick layer of blueberries on top of the yogurt.
  • Then top it off with halved strawberries without the stems. Leave 3 strawberries whole with the stems left on and place them in the middle.
Note: The amount of ingredients you will need will depend on the size of bowl you are using and the number of people you are serving. This is a simple recipe that can easily be made for just a few people or for a larger group. It is a simple way to add a little red, white and blue to your 4th of July celebration.
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Red, White & Blue Fruit Bowl Recipe Reviews

red white blue fruit bowl

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"I made this fruit bowl for the 4th of July but my grandkids liked it so much that I made it again this last weekend. It makes a pretty looking salad, is simple to make, and tastes great."
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