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How to Battle Carbohydrate Cravings - Cooking Tips

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Foods that Contain High Levels of Refined Carbohydrates
Control the Release of Insulin
| Increase Dietary Fiber Consumption
Increase Protein Consumption | More Tips and Suggestions

Although carbohydrates are vital to proper nutrition, consuming too much and consuming the wrong types can lead to a number of health related problems. Obesity, tooth decay, and diseases related to blood sugar levels are only a few of the health issues related to a high intake of carbohydrates, specifically, the refined carbohydrates found in processed foods such as snack crackers, white bread, candy, soft drinks, sugary desserts, and many others—in short, processed foods with high levels of refined flour and sugar. The empty calories of processed convenience foods raise blood sugar levels rapidly. Some experts believe that consuming refined carbohydrates induces the release of excess insulin, causing a rapid drop in blood glucose levels, which is believed to stimulate hunger and cause a rapid decrease ("crash") of energy. You are then likely to crave even more carbohydrates.

Foods that Contain High Levels of Refined Carbohydrates

Refined White Flour Foods

Foods produced with a high amount of highly refined white flour contain high levels of refined carbohydrates as a result.

Refined White Sugar Foods

Foods that are produced with a high amount of highly refined white sugar contain high levels of refined carbohydrates as a result.

Commercially Prepared White Bread


Cakes and Muffins

Sugary Desserts

Snack Crackers

Soft Drinks and Juices with Sugar Added

Although it may be difficult to avoid foods containing refined carbohydrates either because of the availability of other foods or because of willpower, there are a number of steps that can be taken to limit the amount of refined carbohydrates in the diet. The following tips are simple suggestions that may be beneficial for controlling carbohydrate cravings.

Control the Release of Insulin by Eating the Right Type of Carbohydrates

Prevent excess insulin production by choosing foods containing the types of carbohydrates that cause a smaller rise in blood sugar levels or raise the blood sugar slowly. Foods that contain complex carbohydrates, such as whole-grain breads, grains, and beans are good choices, as well as foods that contain natural carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables.

Some of the Foods Containing Complex or Natural
Carbohydrates that Inhibit Excess Insulin Production

Whole-grain Bread





Increase Dietary Fiber Consumption

Dietary fiber helps to slow the entry of glucose into the blood stream, reducing spikes in blood sugar levels, which, in turn, lowers the amount of insulin production. This lowers the amount of glucose that will be stored as fat, which increases the feeling of fullness, thereby reducing carbohydrate cravings. In addition, increasing the consumption of dietary fiber is beneficial to digestion. Among the foods containing high levels of dietary fiber are, vegetables, such as artichokes, okra, and parsnips; fruits, such as avocados, dates, and figs; whole grains, such as barley, oats, and wheat; and many other foods including, whole-grain breads, nuts and seeds, and dried fruits.

Foods that Contain High Levels of Dietary Fiber


Artichokes and Parsnips


Avocado and Dates


Wheat and Oats

Whole-grain Bread

Multigrain Breads

Nuts and Seeds

Pecans and Walnuts and Sunflower Seeds

Dried Fruit

Raisins and Prunes

Increase Protein Consumption

It is believed that high protein foods such as lean meats, poultry, fish, tofu, grains, nuts, legumes, and dairy products satisfy the appetite and suppress the craving for large amounts of carbohydrates. Of course, consuming too much of any type of food, including those that are high in protein, can have adverse effects; weight gain being one of the primary concerns. Moderation is the key to controlling carbohydrate cravings; therefore, when eating high protein foods as a substitute for excessive carbohydrate intake, don't overdo it. Many high protein foods may also contain large amounts of fat. In many cases, the fat is in the form of saturated fat, which contributes to weight gain and a whole range of other health related problems.

Foods that Contain High Levels of Protein

Lean Beef

Skinless Chicken Fillets

Salmon Fillets


Whole Grains



Dairy Products

More Tips and Suggestions

Eat Low-Carb between Meal Snacks

If carbohydrate cravings seem to strike at the same time every day, interrupt that craving by eating a healthful low carbohydrate snack thirty minutes prior to the time when the craving usually arrives. This change of routine can help curb the craving for carbohydrate-dense foods, but it is equally important to eat reasonable amounts of the foods that you are using as replacements for the high-carb foods.

Eliminate or Reduce the Consumption of
Caffeine, Sugary Soft Drinks, and Alcoholic Beverages

Consumption of caffeinated beverages, sugary soft drinks, and alcohol can cause a spike in blood sugar creating a sudden burst of energy followed by a rapid "crash." This yo-yo effect can cause you to be starved for energy, thereby causing you to crave foods that are high in carbohydrates. If you are finding it difficult to eliminate these items from your diet, it is important to make the attempt to reduce consumption of these beverages to diminish the frequency of the up-and-down effects on the blood sugar.

Remove or Reduce the Temptation

The expression, "out of sight, out of mind," definitely applies when it comes to reducing carbohydrates in your diet. Practicing self control is ultimately the best way to deal with carbohydrate cravings, but some of us need all the help we can get.

Making it inconvenient to eat the wrong types of food can help. Remove highly processed snack foods-cookies, crackers, chips, candy, etc.-from your pantry. Make a true effort to avoid purchasing these foods while grocery shopping. Not having these items easily accessible will make it so much easier to reach for more nutritious, healthful snacks that are low in carbohydrates.

Diverting your attention from your carbohydrate cravings can also help. Keep busy-stay focused on tasks at hand until the craving ends. If possible, exercise, which is not only good for you, but also may reduce your craving for high-carb foods. Afterward, choose a snack that is low in the wrong types of carbohydrates, namely, highly processed high-carb snack foods.

Giving in to Your Carbohydrate Cravings

Studies indicate that depriving yourself of favorite foods can lead to bouts of binge eating, which can have adverse effects on your health, especially if your blood sugar and weight are constantly fluctuating. Giving in to your carbohydrate cravings occasionally is the healthier alternative. The key to "giving in" is to control the amount that you eat. Buy individual servings of the foods you crave. Relax and eat slowly. Get back on track when the craving has diminished. Surrendering to your carbohydrate cravings becomes a problem only when it happens too frequently. Remember, moderation is the key to maintaining a healthy diet and keeping carbohydrate cravings in check.