Recipes - print - A Grilled Medley of Fabulous Veggies

A Grilled Medley of Fabulous Veggies - Recipe

We at GrillGrate are very proud to bring you the best grilling tool for fresh, raw vegetables. Your GrillGrates will give you just the right amount of seared-in roasting to develop the natural sweet, spicy and umami flavors that are only derived through grilling.
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A Grilled Medley of Fabulous Veggies Recipe
  • Brush or mist with olive oil on each side of vegetable
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • QUICK GRILLERS: (4-6 minutes, Lid Down on Low-Low/Med heat)
  • Swiss Chard, other greens such as Kale
  • Asparagus
  • Portobello mushroom-sliced
  • LONGER GRILLERS: (6-10 minutes, Lid Down on Low-Low/Med heat)
  • Zucchini-sliced
  • Peppers-sliced
  • Eggplant-sliced
  • Mushrooms (whole, or halved)
  • Onions-Thick sliced
  • Cabbage (quartered)
  • 15-18 minutes, Lid Down on Low-Low/Med heat)
  • Baby Potatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes-1/4" slices
  • Carrots
  • Garlic Bulb
  • Corn
  • Place vegetables on pre-heated GrillGrates (8 to 10 minutes), Low-Low/Med heat. For charcoal, preheat your GrillGrates after the red hot peak, gray coals only (8-10 minutes), Grill vegetables following approx. grilling time on Low-Low/Med Heat, lid down. Timing depends on how hot your grill is and how thick the whole vegetable is or cut veggie pieces are.
  • Turn after 4 minutes.

NOTE: Judge the initial sear marks to get an indication of how hot you are cooking. If the sear marks are dark to black on the first flip, you are cooking too hot, turn down the burners.

Servings: Varies in size of serving, but remember, 5 servings of fruits and vegetables are recommended for good health and these grilled veggies are good eating!
- Broccoli
- Onions
- Carrots
- Baby Potatoes
- Mushrooms
- Asparagus
- Elephant Garlic Bulb
- Corn
- Peppers
- Sweet Potatoes
- Idaho, Yukon, Red Skin Potatoes
- Swiss Chard
- Cabbage
- Yellow Squash
- Zucchini
- Eggplant
- Portobello Mushrooms
- Butternut Squash