Recipes - print - Cheeseburger Pizza

Cheeseburger Pizza - Recipe

If you like cheeseburgers you will love this pizza. You will also love how easy it is to prepare. Just brown your meat, spread out your crust, and layer the ingredients as directed. Pop it in the oven and in no time you will have a scrumptious cheeseburger . . . I mean pizza!
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Cheeseburger Pizza Recipe
  • Brown ground chuck (or hamburger) in pan with garlic powder, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, and onion powder.
  • While browning meat, spread pizza crust out evenly on the pizza stone (or pan) and then spread the ketchup and mustard evenly on top.
  • When meat is done, place on top of ketchup and mustard. Sprinkle the entire top with the cheese.
  • Bake at the temperature stated on the pizza crust package. Bake for 10 minutes and then put under broiler to melt and brown cheese.
  • Serve and enjoy.
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Container: Pizza stone or pan
Servings: 6
Serving Size: 2 slices
-1 tube refrigerator pizza crust
- mustard
- ketchup
-1 pound ground beef
-1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- salt and pepper to taste
-1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
-1/2 teaspoon onion powder
- Shredded Mozzeralla and Cheddar cheese or a pizza blend