
Podda Classico Cheese

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Reviewed By eacorpe88
"Delicious. Very similar taste to parmigiano reggiano"
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Produced on the Italian island of Sardinia (Sardegna), this cheese is made using a blend of pasteurized cow's and sheep's milk. Aged for 6 to 12 months, Podda Classico Cheese is formed with a grooved outer rind that is the result of compressing the curd to firm up the paste. The inner paste is golden yellow in color with a hard crumbly texture, providing a sweet and somewhat nutty flavor. The taste of this cheese is like a combination of an aged romano and parmesan cheese. It pairs well with a full-bodied red wines. Since it is too brittle to grate it is a good cheese to break apart for snacking or for use on appetizer trays. A Podda Rigato Cheese is also produced which is the shorter-aged "sister" cheese to Podda Classico.

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