
Red Curry Paste

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The most common variety of curry paste available, which is red in color and is typically made from fresh and/or dried red chiles mixed with other ingredients such as coriander, cinnamon, cumin seeds, shallots, garlic, lemon grass, and peppercorns. Red curry paste is typically served with beef or chicken curries.

Numerous types of curry pastes are made which may range from light tan in color or dark green, red or multi-colored in appearance. Green curry paste, which is also a common type of curry paste is made from green chiles and herbs and traditionally served with chicken curries, curry soups and stir-fry dishes. The traditional curry pastes most often available in food stores or East Indian and Asian markets are red, green or verde, yellow, Madras paste, and sweet curry paste. Orange curry paste is also available, but is not as common.

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